
31 day blog challenge

1# what I ate today
2# my family
3# something I feel strongly about
4# how I hope my future will be like
5# something I am currently worrying about
6# things I like and dislike about myself
7# somewhere I'd like to move to or visit
8# my zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality
9# something I always think "what if…" about
10# something I am proud of
11# a problem that I have had
12# 5 items I lust after
13# my fears
14# one thing I am excited for
15# a book I love
16# bullet my whole day
17# one of my favorite TV shows
18# write 15 interesting facts about yourself
19# 5 ways to win my heart
20# if I had 1 million euros to spend, how would I spend it?
21# something that I miss
22# where I would like to be in 10 years
23# if I could have any job in the world, what would it be?
24# my highs and lows of this past year
25# my 5 favorite blogs
26# 5 pet peeves
27# someone who fascinates you and why
28# five words/phrases that make me laugh
29# what's in my handbag
30# 5 weird thing that I like
31# my goals for the next 30 days

i morgon drar vi igång.

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